Looking for something easy to bake with your kids? Ruth Abrams, former editor for InterfaithFamily.com, suggests this simple recipe for the Friday after Thanksgiving to enjoy some additional bonding time with your little helpers. She recently tested it out with her son, Aaron.
Apple and Honey Muffins
Recipe adapted from “The Milk-Free Kitchen” by Beth Kidder
2 apples, grated
*Your kids can pick the ones to use and remove some of the peels, while you grate them.
1 cup white flour
3 teaspoons baking powder
1 teaspoon salt
1 cup whole wheat flour
*Try measuring the ingredients together. Your kids can sift the white flour, baking powder and salt into the bowl, and then mix the whole wheat flour into the rest of the dry ingredients with a fork.
2/3 cup soy milk
6 tablespoons vegetable oil
6 tablespoons honey
2 eggs
Optional: cinnamon sugar (mix 1 teaspoon cinnamon with two tablespoons sugar, or to taste)
*Have your kids help mix the wet ingredients.
Preheat oven to 375 degrees and line your muffin tin with cupcake liners. (This is a great children’s job!) Make a well in the dry ingredients and mix in the wet ingredients, then the grated apple. If there are two of you, one can pour the wet stuff in while the other stirs. Spoon the mixture into the liners in the muffin cups, and ask your helper to sprinkle the cinnamon sugar on top.
Bake 20 minutes. Test with toothpick. It should come out clean, maybe with crumbs on it, but no wet stuff. This is something a parent has to do, but a lot of children will enjoy watching the procedure.
Cool muffins before eating so you don’t burn your tongue!