B’nai Torah MetroWest is excited to announce the launch of our new spiritual community! Led by spiritual leader Cantor Kate Judd, B’nai Torah MetroWest (“BTM”) is an inclusive, Reform community, located in the Western suburbs of Boston. BTM, a successor of Congregation B’nai Torah, was established in June 2023 subsequent to the closure of Congregation B’nai Torah of Sudbury, almost 50 years after its founding.

At the heart of who we are is a deep commitment to social action and a hope to build a community partnership that will let each of us take responsibility for our own Judaism in a way that feels right.

Our mission is to cultivate a vibrant and inclusive Jewish community rooted in the principles of Reform Judaism. We strive to create a sacred space where individuals can explore, celebrate and deepen their connection to Jewish traditions and values. Guided by the principles of tikkun olam (repairing the world) and tzedek (justice), we are dedicated to promoting social justice and addressing the pressing issues of our time. We strive to be a force for positive change, advocating for equality, compassion and justice in our local community and beyond.

Through intimate, engaging worship experiences and inspiring educational programs, we aim to nurture the spiritual and intellectual growth of our members. We embrace diverse expressions of Jewish identity and welcome individuals and families from all backgrounds, including multi-faith families, fostering a warm and welcoming environment where everyone can feel a sense of belonging.

BTM invites the community to our next Shabbat on the Beach service with Cantor Kate Judd on Friday, July 21, at 6:30 p.m. at the Wayland Town Beach, 25 Parkland Drive, Wayland.

Join us as we embark on a new journey together! Contact btmadmin@bnaitorahmetrowest.org for additional information and watch for our new website later this summer.

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