Beginning in October, Temple Emunah in Lexington offers a broad range of adult education courses open to the entire community. The Adult Education options, often collaborative programs, touch on the spiritual, the mundane, and the controversial, and the practical. Offerings range from timely and relevant lectures and discussions, like the Moral Limits of Markets offered by renowned philosopher and teacher Michael Sandel (through New Center for the Arts and Culture, at Temple Isaiah) to a two-year foundation in Jewish Learning and Hebrew lessons, for any level. Some programs are free; others have nominal fees. For full descriptions and details check
A Wide Variety of Courses to Promote Lifelong Learning
Hebrew for All begins October 14; this collaborative program offers ten courses at many levels. The synagogues of several communities have joined forces to create this extraordinary adult learning opportunity: Temples Beth El of Belmont, Emunah and Isaiah (Lexington), Beth Israel (Waltham), Shir Tikvah (Winchester).. Another cooperative program is Me’ah (100 hours)–an intensive two-year program to provide a foundation in Jewish learning offered by Temples Emuah and Isaiah. A monthly Bible study group meets on the first Thursday of each month. A two-year adult B’nei Mitzvah class begins this fall.
Additional courses include Parenting Teens, meeting weekly in January and February; a November weekly course on the Magical Creatures in Judaism; short-term programs related to specific holidays, like Hannukah and Passover; Jewish Approach to Dying weekly in January; Weekly morning study sessions, Engage Israel weekly in December and January; Chanting Torah, Chanting Haftarah, Leading Daily Services, and much more.
For details about the many courses, related costs, and specific contact information, check the brochure available at or call the Temple Emunah office at 781 861 0300.
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