We are a Modern Orthodox Jewish day school incorporating a child-centered, Reggio-inspired philosophy. Rooted in Jewish values, our program features a pioneering curriculum designed to inspire a love of Torah, Israel, and Hebrew language. We seek Modern Orthodox teachers who are trained in the Reggio approach, and/or are open to teaching in a progressive, constructivist, Jewish Orthodox environment.

Hebrew speakers are encouraged to apply.

Candidates must have early childhood teaching experience, and a college degree is required. Above all, applicants must treasure preschool-aged children, and appreciate the uniqueness of each child. We seek to hire enthusiastic educators who will inspire our young children to learn through exploration and investigation.

Both full-time and part-time positions, with competitive salaries and benefits, are available.

Please send your résumé and cover letter to Robin Meyerowitz, early childhood director, at rmeyerowitz@maimonides.org.

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