In the state of Massachusetts, ALRs are treated like apartment complexes. All ALRs are supervised by the Executive Office of Elder Affairs (EOEA).
As the Director of Environmental Services, it is my responsibility to ensure a well-maintained and safe property for all of our residents, staff and guests. In terms of maintenance on the grounds and within the facility, we always keep our end goal in mind: to perform preventative services in order to avoid any long-term problems. From smoke detectors to outside sprinklers to light switches to laundry machines, we routinely check all systems. In terms of housekeeping, our goal is to continuously maintain a sparkling clean environment.
Our annual safety in-service meeting for both staff and residents is of critical importance. Russell Philips, our fire alarm company, helps us highlight fire prevention safety tips. They also discuss what to do in the case of a fire, and where to proceed for the nearest evacuation route.
Planning ahead and performing routine preventative services is the first step to ensuring safety of all individuals within an ALR. At the Estates on Admiral’s Hill, we take great pride in our efforts to maintain a clean, safe and healthy environment. Together, we work as a team and constantly share opinions and ideas. This type of communication helps make the Estates a wonderful place to live. We hope you will come see for yourself!
This blog is courtesy of Armando Alarcon, Director of Environmental Services at the Estates on Admiral’s Hill.
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