You may recognize Jason Stark from such movies as Eser: Top Ten Reasons to Participate (circa 2012) and Eser: Narrowing Down the Top Ten (circa 2013) but he doesn’t just play a leader on TV …
Being a lay leader for Eser was a fulfilling and rewarding experience. As a teacher I have been in a variety of classes and settings but what sets Eser apart is that it doesn’t feel Iike a class. I would describe Eser as a learning community with a great emphasis on the community piece. The rabbis, the leaders and the participants built relationships of trust in our group, which fostered and nurtured our learning together. Jewish learning has always been about a collective memory and I feel that Eser is a new renaissance for learning in the Greater Boston area. I feel honored and privileged to be a part of it.
Join Jason and dozens of others for Eser before it’s too late!
*If you didn’t get the Moses refernece in the title watch the video.
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