Written by: Eliza
Presented at the 2013 JF&CS Benefit
I might not be the typical person one would imagine as needing a visiting mom. Yes I am a single mom, but I am well-educated, have a good job, and a great support network of friends and family who are close by.
What I was not prepared for was a very complicated pregnancy. At 27 weeks I went into pre-term labor and landed at Massachusetts General Hospital (MGH) on strict bed rest for 69 days. I lost my job and had my friends pack up my apartment and move me to my mother’s. I was under so much stress that when Henry was finally born at 37 weeks, it was hard to enjoy my new baby. I could barely get out of bed because my joints were so weak from the bed rest. Nothing went as I had planned.
For his part, Henry had severe colic, terrible allergies to breast milk, and an inability to suck a bottle. He was constantly sick and never slept well. It was not uncommon for him to be up three, five, or even 17 times a night.
So it was a hard year to say the least. But the hardest part was not getting support from other mothers and our doctors. Not having the understanding from those around me caused me to isolate myself. I finally called the social worker at MGH who referred me to JF&CS, and I was matched with Yvonne- my very own visiting mom.
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