Even if I believed we had no choice,

I would spend this evening reading the news in horror and pain…

Even if I thought it was us versus them,

I would not rally as if this were a sport…

Even if I knew this was a war of self-defense,

I would spend my time praying for peace…

Even if I thought of war as a valid option,

I would weep singing psalm 99, wishing Torah never had to be used in this way…

Even if my conception of peoplehood included valuing Jewish life more,

I would wish freedom from fear for every family, searching for photos and stories that helped me access the humanity of the other…

Even if I trusted that politicians in Israel had the best interests of their people at heart,

I would not exploit war as an opportunity to project false unity…

Even if I felt war could bring peace,

I would not go to this rally.

And neither should you.


– Alana Alpert is a rabbinical student

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