For those of you in the back, it’s worth going over some history.
No, the Jews did not kill Jesus. We did repeat that fact for almost 2,000 years until the Vatican finally proclaimed that we were right in the 1960s.
No, Jews do not use the blood of Christian babies to make matzo or kill them for other nefarious and invented ritual purposes. Not that it mattered to the victims of the massacre of London and York in the 12th century, or Blois in 1171, or in the cruel tropes repeated in “The Canterbury Tales,” or Northern Italy in the 15th century.
No, Jews did not poison wells and spread the Black Death in Strasbourg in 1349. Not that it mattered—2,000 Jews were burned alive as punishment.
To say this is only a partial list would be a gross understatement. But let’s keep going.
No, Jews did not destroy the Dome of the Rock or Al-Aksa in Mandatory Palestine in Haj Amin el-Husseini’s faked photos showing as much. Not that it mattered or matters—the massacre of the Jews of Hebron in 1929 still took place.
No, the Israel Defense Forces (IDF) did not commit a massacre in Nablus in 2002, even though Saeb Erakat said that 500 people had been killed by the IDF when actually about 35 terrorists died in a firefight there. Not that it mattered—he said so on television and everyone ran with it.
On a more ridiculous tangent, no, Jews did not secretly run the transatlantic slave trade. No, Israelis did not harvest organs from Palestinian cadavers or from the bodies in Haiti after the catastrophic earthquake there. No, Jewish space lasers do not control the weather. No, Jews do not control the media (really? REALLY?). And, in case you were worried, we also didn’t invent the Holocaust, don’t control international finance, didn’t orchestrate the Great Depression, and did not perpetrate the 9/11 attacks.
It’s hard not to chuckle at that paragraph; it’s impossible to laugh at the rest of this list.
No, we did not make up the stories of Hamas’ atrocities on Oct. 7. What other nation is forced to bring their receipts and show the videos of the burnings, rapes, executions, and beheadings in order to prove they were not making it up? I’ll wait….
And no, an Israeli airstrike did not destroy the Al-Ahli Hospital in Gaza. Not that it mattered—within minutes of Hamas’ announcement, media the world over splashed “Israeli airstrike on Gaza hospital kills 500” and there was no going back. Even with the video, the audio of Hamas operatives, and the geotagged and geolocated photos, the truth was and is irrelevant, melted in the fiery inferno of anti-Semitism.
Israel also did not commit rapes in Shifa and did not massacre aid workers, there are no mass graves in Gaza, there is no widespread famine, the casualties are tragic but several degrees of magnitude smaller than what Hamas reports, there is absolutely zero validity to claims of genocide, and no, half of the buildings in Gaza have not been destroyed. As Armin Rosen so capably wrote, “Every single one of [those] lies fell apart under examination.”
As always, we can’t win. The shock troops of disinformation and bias, urged forward by Hamas and Al-Jazeera, energetically amplified by the usual suspects like the BBC, campus activists, and Greta Thunberg, and catalyzed by the algorithms of clickbait on X and TikTok, ends the battle of truth before the facts even enter the chat. The world breathlessly embraces any claim in The War Against The Jews, and leaves it hanging until an inevitable and invisible retraction buried somewhere no one bothers to look.
In a world where the lies spread faster than the truth can ever catch up with (if it even matters), we are always guilty—guilty until proven innocent, guilty even when proven innocent, and guilty when none of it is true.
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