“Fresh, shrewd, fascinating.” The Jewish Advocate raves about “The Matchmaker”, Israel’s smash hit coming-of-age film from director Avi Nesher, coming to Boston this Friday! Set in 1968, “The Matchmaker” follows Arik, an Israeli-born teenage boy who gets a summer job with a mysterious matchmaker named Yankele Bride. Bride takes him on a dangerous coming of age ride into the urban underbelly of Haifa during the time of the Six-Day War. “The Matchmaker” has already become an huge audience favorite in the US, playing for over 14 weeks and counting in Florida.
This audience favorite is coming to Boston this Friday, June 22nd, only at the West Newton Cinema! Watch the trailer and learn more at http://www.menemshafilms.com/the-matchmaker-once-i-was.html
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