Passover’s coming, there’s so much to do,
Cleaning the house till it shines like it’s new.
Planning the seder, inviting the guests,
Choosing Haggadahs and all the rest.
Shopping and cooking are high on the list,
To make all those favorites that can’t be missed.
But first on the list, way up high
Is figuring how many eggs to buy.
The Passover recipes that we adore,
Need eggs, eggs, eggs and eggs galore.
My kugel takes nine eggs, my apple cake four,
I think I’m all set, then I find I need more.
Matzah balls for a crowd can take twenty-seven,
My favorite dessert requires eleven.
Would fourteen cartons be too many?
All I know now is I haven’t got any.
Then there’s the egg on the seder plate…
I should figure this out before it’s too late!
Eggs with matzah, eggs with farfel,
I’ll probably wind up buying a car full.
How many guests? How many cousins?
I think I’ll need eggs by the dozens of dozens.
Eggs by the truckload, eggs by the ton.
I’ll be buried in shells when dinner’s all done.
Cracking and beating again and again,
I think next year I’ll just buy a hen!
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