Cindy and Andrew Janower and Jessica and Chuck Myers will be honored for their exceptional dedication and commitment at Rashi’s Annual Gala on May 19. The two couples are co-chairs of the RISE Campaign for The Rashi School.

“We are thrilled to present the Janowers and the Myerses with the prestigious Kehillah (Community) Award,” said Rashi Head of School Adam W. Fischer. “Their tireless work on behalf of The Rashi School is truly outstanding and we are profoundly grateful for their enduring passion, vision, and support. It is a privilege to recognize these talented individuals. Clearly, they set a wonderful example for us all.”

This year all guest tickets will be $36 each, which includes a cocktail hour, seated dinner, and entertainment. “We wanted this event to be a joyous celebration for everyone who supports The Rashi School,” explained Fischer. The Annual Dinner marks the public launch of RISE, a $30M+ comprehensive campaign to ensure the future of The Rashi School. In the first two years alone, the campaign has raised over $26 million.

Cindy and Andrew Janower, residents of Needham, are the proud parents of three daughters who are thriving graduates of Rashi: Mikki, ’12, Sammi, ’15, and Ali, ’18. “The Rashi School is an important, valuable, and unique asset to the Boston Jewish community and played a seminal role in helping our kids become the adults they are today,” said Cindy and Andrew, adding that, “Now it is our turn to inspire others.”

Jessica and Chuck Myers, residents of Weston, are the proud parents of two Rashi alumni, Sam, ’20 and Ben, ’21, and current eighth grader, Josh, ‘24. “We love The Rashi School as parents and as community members,” said Jessica and Chuck. “Rashi has provided our three sons with a nurturing environment to grow as students, individuals, and community members.”

The Rashi School is also pleased to present the esteemed Stephanie Rotsky Tikkun Alum Award to Jonathan “Jonny” Zackman, ’11, of West Roxbury. This award was created to celebrate Rashi alumni who demonstrate a strong commitment to social justice and tikkun olam (repairing the world) in their lives beyond Rashi. Jonny is passionate about supporting the community through fostering meaningful connections, creating scalable programs, and being a mentor for local youth and peers.

Cocktails and hors d’oeuvres kick off the event at 6 p.m., followed by a seated dinner and program at 7 p.m. (dietary laws observed). The Seaport Hotel Boston is located at 1 Seaport Lane in Boston. To purchase tickets, a tribute ad, make a donation in honor of the Myerses, or for more information, please visit Rashi Annual Dinner or call the Development Office at 781-355-7312.

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