Sharon Shaprio (Trustee and Head of the Boston Office for the Ruderman Family Foundation), Ina Pinkney, and Molly Silver (Manager, Ruderman Synagogue Inclusion Project), at the ReelAbilities screening of the film Breakfast At Ina’s. This screening was sponsored by the Ruderman Synagogue Inclusion Project.
About the film: Ina Pinkney is known around Chicago as the “Breakfast Queen.” She is a local legend with an incredible life story to tell. Between greeting customers, Ina invites us into her life as a child partially paralyzed by polio, a woman in an interracial marriage disowned by her Jewish parents, and a business owner propelled by her own self-confi- dence. After 33 years in business, we watch the diverse clientele, the devoted staff, and Ina herself in the countdown of the month before her restaurant closes. We wanted to pass along Ina’s very moving words that close this beautiful film:
Life is short.
Love is rare.
Fear is a mind-killer.
Hug your loved ones.
Hold your head high.
Light a candle.
Feel the sun on your face.
Believe in magic.
Call an old friend.
Say hi to your neighbor.
Volunteer your time.
Give what you can.
Take a moment to pause.
Imagine a better world.
Make good on your dreams.
Cherish memories.
Reflect on the sunset.
Look forward to the sunrise.
This is a remarkable film and we highly recommend watching!
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