Make no mistake, I love running. I run nearly every day, whether it’s 0 degrees and freezing or 100 degrees with swamp-like humidity.
It’s a bit of a stretch to say that running is a Jewish endeavor, especially as the marathon derives from a Greek historical event, but there’s something to say about Jews spending time on their feet. The Hebrews spent forty years wandering in a circuitous route from the Nile River delta to Jericho, when in reality the entire journey could have been only about 900 kilometers (550 miles), which is about two or three months of running. Heck, those crazy guys on the NatGeo Channel ran nearly 7000 kilometers from Senegal to the Red Sea in 111 days.
As a result of running I’m a little stiff, not very flexible, and get very, very cranky when I don’t run. I don’t stretch enough, don’t rest enough, and have been known to make questionable decisions about prioritizing running over other things going on in my life.
But these annoyances are far outweighed by running’s positive attributes. Here’s my current top five list of awesome things about running:
- You can run absolutely anywhere and don’t need any equipment except shoes. It is perfectly transportable, can be done in all weather, and only requires setting aside time to run each day. On vacation? Who cares. You can still run. You don’t need a pool, a ball, a racket, a glove, pads, or skates.
- If you run, you can eat just about anything you want and not feel too guilty about it.
- You can buy really cool shoes like these that generate constant strange glances and feedback
- You can find camaraderie with other runners who are as obsessive as you are. This allows you to actually make friends with other people and perhaps even find other people to run with. (For runners with young kids and who are busy all the time, this is, in fact, a little underrated).
- You get cool invitations to special events at the New Balance Outlet in Brighton from the editor of
Yup, that’s right. Get excited. Moms is teaming up with the New Balance Outlet to offer local families an exclusive shopping night at the 2012 New Balance Outlet Tent Sales. On Tuesday, July 24 at the New Balance Factory Store in Brighton, Moms will host a special shopping night.
Open to registered attendees only, the event will feature light refreshments, contests and giveaways. All attendees will receive an additional 5% off the already discounted tent sale prices, and all guests will also receive a free gift with purchase.
The event lasts from 7-9 pm, and free registration is available by visiting
See you there. And happy running until then.
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