What does being Jewish look like for your family? How do we build customs and rituals that include the youngest members of our families in a meaningful way? Explore these questions (and more!) at ATCs Religious School. 

Registration is now open for both Gan ATC, our 3- to 5-year-old classroom, and Kita Alef, our first grade classroom.

Gan ATC and Kita Alef students are just in the beginning of their Jewish journey. Our goal is to make students comfortable in their new learning environment, and instill an early sense of pride in being Jewish. Through stories, song, art and play, students are given the building blocks of Jewish learning and Hebrew language.

Students will delve into Torah, prayer, symbols and rituals at an age-appropriate level. The importance of Hebrew language is stressed, as Hebrew connects us with Israel and unifies the Jewish people worldwide.

Religious School is free with membership. If you’d like to learn more about becoming a member ($180 per adult for the first year), please be in touch with our membership chair, Deb Ron: family@atorah.org.

Gan ATC: $72/student for the school year
Kita Alef: $180/student for the school year

Want to learn more? Be in touch with Deb: family@atorah.org.

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