What is one of the most important relationships in the life of someone with disabilities? Their sibling! Although many services focus on the child with a disability, their brothers and sisters also need support around their experiences and challenges of having a sibling with special needs.
JF&CS recognized the needs of siblings of kids with disabilities, so in April 2013, JF&CS sponsored a Sibshops training. Led by Don Meyer, Director of the National Sibling Support Project, this training taught providers how to run their own local Sibshops groups. Sibshops are lively programs focused on the needs of brothers and sisters of kids with special needs. The training was a huge success – there were nearly 100 participants including parents, professional providers, adult siblings, and young siblings.
In his thank you to JF&CS for hosting, Don Meyer said, “What an amazing conference in Massachusetts! I have been all over the country and the world and this was the largest conference I have ever conducted. I am not surprised Massachusetts is the leader in this effort. The energy and commitment JF&CS was able to bring together, to focus on sibs, should be recognized and followed by states throughout the USA.”
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