Next week JCRC’s ReachOut! is launching our 7th cycle of volunteering for Jewish Young Adults in Boston. Knowing that for many, the idea of committing to a program of volunteering can be overwhelming, we’re providing a way to start small. For our Cycle 7 launch, we’re asking you to bring something to donate to the Elizabeth Peabody Food Pantry– a healthy food pantry in Somerville. Knowing that its hard enough to make healthy food choices, the Elizabeth Peabody Food Pantry tries to make it that much easier on a budget.
The Launch is a great chance to learn more what volunteering with ReachOut! is all about, but it’s also an opportunity to give back there and then. Dealing with healthy choices and hunger is a huge issue, and one that won’t be solved by collecting 30 or 40 pounds of food. However, it is a start- and we’re hoping to raise awareness by filling the house.
Bringing something isn’t required to attend the launch (there is no cover charge either way!), but if you are able to give, please bring any of the following: any shelf-stable goods like canned fruits, vegetables, meats, fish, soups, beans, and tomato sauce; bottled or boxed juice; peanut butter or other nut/seed butters; rolled oats or cereals; pasta; bagged nuts/seeds; dried fruits; whole grains of any sort (brown rice, wild rice, bulgur wheat, etc); dried beans; coffee and teas; dried herbs and spices. Or, fresh fruits and vegetables NOT requiring refrigeration like apples, pears, citrus fruits, pineapple, bananas, winter squash, storage root vegetables.
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