As June begins, JFS has been receiving the final deliveries of supplies for our Mobilize Boston project with the Multifaith Alliance. Always ready to respond where there is need, the Social Action Committee of Temple Beth Sholom in Framingham set up a collection drive during the month of May. Together, they collected commonly needed medications, bandages, splints, gauze pads, antibiotic ointments, diabetes supplies, medical tape, eye medications, antiseptic wipes, suture kits and more.
Families across Syria continue to suffer the devastating consequences of war. With many hospitals destroyed and the medical industry collapsed, refugee areas are in desperate need of a variety of supplies to treat patients in make-shift hospitals. The supplies donated by TBS will be essential in treating the wounded and preventing infection.
Many thanks to Temple Beth Sholom for partnering with JFS to provide vital supplies to refugees in need!
Learn more:
- Donate now to the JFS/MFA Container Project
- The JFS/MFA Mobilize Boston storage container is here
- Thanks to Edwards Church for being part of the JFS/MFA project
- JTI delivers 50 school supplies backpacks to the JFS/MFA Mobilize Boston Container
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