The Boston Marathon is more than a just a rite of passage for competitive runners. The famous 26.2 mile race is much like the journey that Jayme Fink’s endured this past year—complete with the hurdles and challenges that she’s met with unwavering determination.
“Last year, I lost 70 pounds with the help of a personal trainer,’ Jayme explained. “Around the same time, my dad found out he had throat cancer.”
Jayme decided to train for the Boston Marathon, but with one caveat—her dad (who is an accomplished triathlete) had to promise to cross the finish line with her. On Monday, he plans to hold up his end of the bargain and will be joining her at the finish line.
An active member of CJP’s Young Leadership Division (YLD), Jayme joined the CJP marathon team. Together with her teammates Adam Olson, Ethan Corey, Josh Bers and Scott Gerwin, Jayme has helped to raise more than $12,500 for CJP’s 2010 Annual Campaign.
The Annual Campaign provides support to more than 250 agencies in the Greater Boston area, in Israel and around the world. “CJP’s volunteer programs are really great and something I enjoy being a part of. Anything I can do to help keep them going is worth it to me,” says Jayme.
Jayme, like her teammates, has been diligently training for the race and building her endurance. “If I can do it,” she laughs, “anyone can.” When asked of her plans for the eve of the race, Jayme said, “Lots of pasta! And hopefully some sleep…I’ve been too nervous to sleep all week!”
This Monday, April 19, these five dedicated volunteers will meet at the starting line of the Boston Marathon. Each will have their physical limits put the test as they take on Heartbreak Hill and cross through ten towns on their way to the finish line. All of us at CJP wish each of you a safe and successful race!
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