Football season is still six weeks away, but the Iran Deal can be summed up in three football terms: punt, pass, and kick.
One thing’s for sure, the ultimate reckoning on this agreement is going to be had when it expires. In 10 years, will Iran be more like China after Nixon, or more like Germany after Chamberlain? The administration has bet on the former, but absolutely punted the final responsibility way downfield to a future administration to deal with. What’s going to happen when Iran decides to go for it in 2025 or 2030? Or 2017?
Sanctions relief is coming and the EU, Russia, and China can’t wait for Tehran to open for business. Did you know there are only 96 hotels in Tehran? I didn’t until I read this piece. Get ready for billions and billions more being pumped into the Islamic Revolution Iran. And make no mistake, the administration knows that the nuclear deal says absolutely nothing about funding terrorism, so untold billions will be passed to good guys like Hamas, Hezbollah, and Assad thanks to sanctions relief. That’s pretty good for Middle East stability, Israel, Egypt, and moderate Sunnis across the region. Or it isn’t.
Everyone probably agrees with the fact that this agreement was a total kick in the, uh, gut to Netanyahu, and in fact almost the entire Israeli political establishment, not to mention AIPAC, Sheldon Adelson, and the GOP. And the battle is just beginning. Buckle up for 60 days of Congressional review and further fiery rhetoric on both sides as Bibi and Barack continue to wage their war of words. It’s going to a whole lot uglier before it gets any better.
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