The issue I have with any Krav Maga instructor who teaches the groin kick as shown in Roy’s video (and so many others) is as captured in this photo. Tis the location of his foot in relation to the opponent’s groin. Roy is hitting with his instep or ankle area. The groin may be sensitive, but still, why hit with this part of the foot when you should be hitting with the ball of the foot. The ball of your foot is stronger than your instep.
More importantly however, is this – if your opponent is not spreading his legs so you can kick him underneath, then this type of foot positioning will not work if opponent’s legs are closed. The true front kick in Krav Maga is with the ball of the foot and works whether your opponent has legs open or closed. As you men can attest, your junk doesn’t hang between and in line with your legs, but rather outward from your legs. The target remains available whether legs are closed or open. And while us women have no outward genitals, kicked in the same way with an upward motion when the front kick is executed properly produces the same result – pain.
Another issue i take with this way of executing the front kick is DISTANCE. You have to be closer in order to place your foot under and through. Tis inefficient and not as effective and quite frankly is taught as a ‘technique’ as opposed to a ‘principle-based technique’.
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