Sheldon Kelly over at Facebook on David Carr’s NYT page and others are so right! SLAVERY gave the USA a deep deep social problem that has never and will never be solved. The immigrants who came to America came out of their own free will, some poor, some rich, but all on their own, not one was a slave, and even the American Indians and the Eskimos, were here first and did not suffer from being SLAVES or descednats of SLAVES, and the curse on the USA since slavery began and even now today, the 999 pound gorilla in the room, yes, it is RACE AND CRIME and both go back to SLAVERY….Blacks never came to the USA on their own free will, and whenever one group of people ENSLAVE another group of people FOR YEARS AND YEARS, hundreds of years of slavery and sexual rape by plantation owners, the result is the USA of today. It is the 1000 year war of the streets and who will win? SIGH. America today is a sick sick nation, and for one main reason: slavery was a curse upon the republic and we see its result even today. Generation after generation.
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