Enough talking. The future is now.
After an intense process of information gathering, brainstorming, focus groups, and conversations that has taken the better part of a year, we are thrilled to share with Jewish Boston our Program Guide for the next few years.
We have taken very seriously our mandate and challenge to create the school of the future for Jewish teens, one that teaches, challenges, mentors, and develops a new generation of Jewish leaders. Our focus on student choice, project-based learning, a diverse curriculum, travel, and innovative new programs will resonate with a broad range of teens from across the denominational spectrum.
In this new roadmap for Prozdor, you will find the following:
- All of our courses for the next four years, organized into newly-created departments
- A robust slate of new fellowships and intensives, offering students alternatives to Sunday morning and Tuesday evening classes
- A list of all of our trips and travel experiences
- Descriptions of the various program options and hour combinations
- All of the costs for the different experiences
- Much, much more
I know you’re curious. Now download the 2013-17 program guide here to get a handle on what all of this means.
Because from where I’m sitting, it means everything.
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