Posted by Bernice Behar

created at: 2013-01-17Most people who work at the JF&CS Headquarters in Waltham can’t help but notice that for two days each month, JF&CS Family Table runs the Family Table Choice Pantry, a new food distribution model. When we researched this new model and carefully planned its roll out, we imagined certain outcomes: we knew that we could serve more clients; we projected that we could be more efficient with our resources; and we firmly believed that our clients would feel more empowered and dignified in a system that gave them freedom to choose their own groceries rather than picking up a pre-packed bag at a designated time.

All of these outcomes have been born out, and for that we feel gratified. But what we had not anticipated, at least in magnitude, is the way the Family Table Choice Pantry has deepened and enriched our relationships with our clients. At a recent distribution, I watched Vera Moshkevich, Russian Translator, take one older client aside and show her a better way to bend and lift her bags when she noticed that the client seemed to be showing some back discomfort.

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