JVS' Bridges to College program is looking for volunteer tutors to help adult students, including both native and non-native English speakers, improve their math or English or science skills. Small group setting.
Requirements: English tutors should have a strong foundation and understanding of grammar, reading comprehension, and writing. Math tutors should have a strong foundation and understanding of the basic high school math curriculum (algebra 1 and 2, some background in pre-calculus and calculus). Science tutors should have a strong foundation and understanding of college freshman level biology and chemistry.
Materials and support will be provided.
Tutors will work with students one-on-one or in small groups, and may need to adapt the provided materials to multiple skill levels. Tutors should be comfortable working with diverse populations. Some experience with teaching or tutoring is preferred, but not required.
Details: August – November. Monday early afternoons. 29 Winter St., Boston 02108
How to Apply: If you are interested in volunteering, please complete a Volunteer Application. Please note in the application the title of the position to which you are applying. If you have any questions about volunteering, please contact Chava Hassan, JVS Volunteer Coordinator, at chassan@jvs-boston.org or 617.399.3218.
About Bridges to College: JVS' Bridges to College program is a 23-week, pre-college program, designed to help students improve their academic skills and college placement test scores. Students take math and English classes four days a week and participate in academic coaching once a week.
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