Every Monday morning eighteen people with Parkinson’s disease, along with their spouses and care partners, gather at the United Parish Church in Auburndale to sing together in the JF&CS Tremble Clefs chorus. Despite the ravages of this progressive disease, their love of music and the fun of being together create a special bond that has been strengthened by the dynamic warmth of their musical director, Marilyn Okonow.
Marilyn’s energy and support have made Tremble Clefs a safe, nurturing community and a great way to start the week. Now in her fourth year as conductor, Marilyn is this year’s recipient of the Simone Lottor Exceptional Service Award. The honor was created in 2001 by Sandy Lottor and his family in memory of his wife Simone Lottor, who for many years was a dedicated volunteer for JF&CS.
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