Hebrew College presents writers and readers thinking creatively about how Torah is relevant to today—and how it can inform and help us in a world in need of healing and hope.
Torah is one of the most profound sources of wisdom available to us. On this podcast, Jewish leaders from around the world read essays from Hebrew College faculty and rabbinical alumni about how Torah can help us navigate the most pressing issues of our time.
Together, we explore the ways Torah can help us approach the world with creativity, healing and hope. After listening to the podcast, we hope that you will be left feeling inspired, uplifted and excited to engage with Torah in a modern, transformative way.
You can listen to the first episodes here:
Episode 1: Two Ways to Tell a Story
Joy Ladin guides us through Rabbi Gray Myrseth’s work, “Two Ways to Tell a Story,” taking us on a powerful journey built equally upon continuity and disruption, from Moses shattering the 10 Commandments to their own journey to find a self they could inhabit fully, without fear.
Episode 2: Vertical Ladders of Sky, Horizontal Ladders of Earth
Rabbi Jordan Schuster explores the connection between John Keats and the story of Jacob’s Ladder, and teaches that regardless of how fissured this world feels, ladders, like bridges, hold the possibility for connection and relationship. Read by Rabbi Sharon Cohen Anisfeld, president of Hebrew College.
Episode 3: Extending the Horizons of Our Hearts
Jewish feminist poet Alicia Ostriker reads Rabbi Sharon Cohen Anisfeld’s essay on the binding of Isaac and invites us to think about the thicket of our own lives; the possibilities that we haven’t seen and the impacts of the stories we tell ourselves.
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