Where Is The Outrage?
In light of a recent waves of Palestinian terrorist attacks in, and around, Jerusalem, let me just ask one question: where are the voices of outrage?
Specifically why aren't there shouts of condemnation about these attacks – attacking civilians, attacking children, attacking worshippers in a synagogue????
The west is silent.
The press is silent.
The BDS (boycott, divest, sanction) movement is silent.
The liberal university professors, Presbyterian church and Hollywood elite – all silent.
In particular, where are the Imams, the Pro-Palestianin supporters, Muslims or Palestinians themselves? Either there has been absolute and utter silence or worse, there has been praise, even victory celebrations, as hard as it is to believe.
If Jewish terrorists did this to Palestinians, Arabs or Muslims, every single Jew I know would be appalled and certainly every rabbi I know would publicly deplore it within their synagogue and out in the world. I, for one, would be on the phone with acquaintances who are Palestinian, or Muslim colleagues, offering my support, solidarity and assuring them that this in no way, shape or form represents me or my religion. I certainly would shout it down from the bimah (pulpit), getting it onto the public record, as quickly as possible, that such behavior is simply evil.
To date, I have received no such emails, my phone sits in complete silence and I can not find one example of one sermon given by one Imam decrying this outrage!
So where are you my Muslim colleagues? Where are you Muslim liberal-peace-groups (if such a thing exists)? Where are you Pro-Palestinian activists? Where are you bleeding heart liberals? Why aren't you speaking up, speaking out and shouting these atrocities down? Why are you silent? Your silence speaks volumes and in the words of the Talmud, "silence is consent."
Are murdered worshipers and slaughtered babies something over which you can remain silent? Are these acts truly something you are willing to allow for, endorse, or lend your consent? In the words of Ella Wheeler Wilcox, "To sin by silence, when we should protest, Makes cowards out of men."
Where is the outrage?
Where are the protests?
Where are the shouts of condemnation?
We are waiting.
The world is listening.
When will you stand up?
When will you speak out?
When will you open your mouth and shatter this cowardice and sinful silence?
Rabbi B
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