You’d think that by now our building would be quiet and that most of our teachers would be sitting by the swimming pool enjoying their free days.
Amazingly, they are not!
The building is buzzing with hard workers. In one corner of the school Lisa Grossmann is surrounded by boxes slowly arranging the rooms of the 3-4 grade kehillah, smiling and humming, with Hana busily working by her side. In another corner, Batya, Kathy and Alicia are seriously discussing multi-age curriculum and designing the various centers for their kehillah. Our 5th and 6th kehillah, with Sara Zenlea, Richard Brancato, Michelle and Miriam also meet frequently to discuss science, technology and room arrangements and our 7th and 8th grade teachers are always here, from Anita to Ariel, Joan to Richard Waldman and many others.
So why do we value KSA – we value KSA because of the complete dedication of teachers and their commitment to outstanding teaching even if it means that they have to give up their own vacation!
Our administrative staff, our development office, recruitment team, and business office tirelessly meet with us, planning new strategies for next year. So why do we value KSA – we value KSA because of the great collaborative team work, realizing that many brains put together are by far better than one!
In our office we are meeting with teachers to discuss science and math curricula ensuring that KSA continues to be the torch holder in STEM education among Jewish Day schools. The Judaics teachers are working to solidify a Judaic Studies program that celebrates our Jewish identity and our love of Israel and honors the values of the scholarly Jewish learner.
As teams and as individuals our teachers continue to create goals for students, goals that by the end of the summer will be discussed with the teachers of the coming year. Why do we values KSA? Because each and every one of us believes that excellence is a habit and we strive to teach it to each student in his/her own pace and passion.
These are only a few reasons why WE value KSA.
But we want to know why YOU value KSA? Leave your comments below on the blog or on our Facebook page! What? You haven’t “liked” our KSA Facebook page? Click here and do that right now!
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