I am elated!
Just last week the Solomon Schechter Day School of Greater Boston community not only met its 2012 Annual Campaign goal of $1.3 million a week early, but exceeded its goal by $38,000. This is an increase of 7% over last year’s campaign, and a campaign record.
How did we do it?
1) As a team. I am proud to count over 60 committed volunteers and solicitors representing all constituent groups — parents, grandparents, board members, alumni and alumni parents. Through face-to-face peer solicitations, letters, emails, personal notes, phone calls and events, our volunteers secured pledges early on in the campaign season and continued their work throughout the year.
2) One relationship at a time. We began to focus on building stronger relationships within constituent groups through, for example, alumni dinners in Boston and New York, and more one-on-one coffees and meetings that don’t always involve an ask. We are proud to report a more than $48,000 increase in alumni gifts and a 60% increase from friends of the Schechter community!
3) By opening our doors. This year, we welcomed 950 alumni, alumni parents, faculty, current parents and friends to Schechter’s 50th Anniversary Celebration. It was an incredible event for the school and an opportunity to connect and reconnect with so many. It was a feel-good “friendraiser” which no doubt helped to contribute to this year’s successful campaign. In addition to the 50th celebration, we welcomed more than 350 grandparents this spring at a very special Grandparents’ and Special Visitors’ Day and are proud to show more than a 6% increase in gifts from Schechter grandparents.
Thank you to the Schechter community for 50 years of support and for helping us to reach this milestone. We look forward to the next 50 years!
~ Arlene Bryer
Director of Annual Giving
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