Here is an inspirational note we received from a JCC member:

Thank you for the personal get well wishes and cards I have been receiving as I recover from quadruple coronary artery bypass surgery, which I had on April 17.
Thanks in large part to the digital feedback I received the week of April 8 from the elliptical machine I was using at the JCC, I narrowly avoided a certain heart attack and perhaps graver consequences.  
Most mornings I work out for 45 minutes on the elliptical machine, which is pre-programmed to provide workout information and heart-rate feedback. I typically focus on the TV; however, during my workout the week of April 8, I felt a heartburn-like pain in my neck, which occurred on Monday after 30 minutes, Wednesday after nine minutes, and Friday after less than two minutes. I wasn’t sure if the pain was acid reflux or heartburn (which I do sometimes get when working out), but the machine’s monitor showed my heart rate at 115 BPM, which, according to the training chart hung up near the machine, is already an exerted heart level and “training zone” for a 50-year-old and may rule out heartburn as the cause.
On the Sunday thereafter, I felt the same pain after walking only a few steps up a hill at my home. I went to the emergency room at Newton Wellesley Hospital, and it was clear from the detailed information I could provide the attending emergency room physician that I had angina that presented no pain or symptoms when the heart was at rest and/or not under load, and that against the odds, I narrowly avoided a heart attack.
I would like to mention that I had an annual physical two months ago, which showed no indication of a heart problem. The elliptical machine, in some part, saved my life, acting as an EKG and providing heart feedback at critical moments. 
I’m very glad I have the opportunity to write this note of appreciation and blessed to have a second chance, which few get. I plan on spending many more decades working out at the J.
Thank you,
Gene Magier

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