Modern JewISH Couples (MJC) supports committed couples on the pathway to partnership, marriage and beyond. Through a series of seven essential conversations, couples’ connection retreats, individual consultation and clergy training, MJC is a Jewish learning project that guides committed partners to explore the role of Judaism in their lives.

The ethos of MJC expands the boundaries and barriers of Judaism to be inclusive of partners who identify as interfaith, intercultural, multi-ethnic, queer, atheist or agnostic, “Jewish&”, “spiritual but not religious,” “Just Jewish” and more. MJC provides supportive content, community and consultation that meets you where you are and helps you identify how you want to bring Judaism home.

Our work is animated by the mission to continually lift up the relevance, beauty and accessibility of Judaism as a blueprint for building and strengthening loving, enduring relationships and Jewish communal connection.

MJC is supported by CJP and is a project of Jumpstart Labs.