Hillel is the Jewish student organization on the Wellesley campus. Hillel provides religious, social, educational, and cultural activities for the Jewish and non-Jewish populations alike. Wellesley students have many distinct ways to explore Jewish heritage, religion, and culture, from reading the Megillah on Purim to baking cookies for the homeless.
Wellesley Hillel is unique because it celebrates holidays with the entire college community. Programs such as the annual campus Sukkot Spectacular and opportunities for students to do home-stays with Wellesley Jewish alumnae, faculty and staff for Passover, these are part of what make the Wellesley Hillel experience special. In addition, Hillel sponsors campus-wide events such as Big/Little sister TV nights and “Lunch and Learns” on various topics.
Wellesley Hillel strives to recognize all dimensions of those immersed in or exploring their Jewish faith and identity. Student-led services reflect the different traditions and are open to all members of the Wellesley community. Once a month Hillel hosts a “Roaming Rabbi” series, which gives students the oportunity to learn and experience various types of services and service leading. This year, David Bernat is working with Hillel as Associate Director and Chaplain, bringing his special gifts of knowledge to students who wish to explore the deeper meaning of the Torah texts.
Wellesley Hillel’s home base is located on the third floor of Billings in the Schneider Student Center. The Hillel Lounge offers students a place for both relaxation and worship. A Kosher kitchen next to the lounge is available for student use in preparing meals. The Pomeroy dining hall on campus also offers a Kosher/vegetarian environment for students.