This month, our featured game is a piece of cardstock. That’s right cardstock, available in multiple colors, resembling a very long index card and often lined on one or both sides. These pieces of cardstock are known as Sentence Strips, and while they may not look like much, their creative potential is vast. Sentence strips make great puzzles, card games and more. Here are few quick and easy ways to play with Sentence Strips:
ABC puzzle: Write (or have the student write) the alphabet on a sentence strip. Cut it up, with 3-4 letters on each piece, and ask the student to put the puzzle back together
Cartoon: Have the student to draw a cartoon, and use the sentence strips to write captions or word bubbles.
Mix up fix up: Write a story or a sentence with each part of the sentence or story on different strips. Mix them up, and ask the student to put the sentence or story back together. Add a timer to keep it interesting, or take turns closing one’s eyes, removing a piece and trying to figure out what’s missing.
Card games: Cut up the sentence strips into index-card sized pieces, and write a vocabulary (in duplicate) on each card. Lay them out face down for a game of memory, divide ‘em up for go fish, sort them etc!
BONUS: Make up your own game. Get creative! Including your student in making the game is half the fun. Be sure to bring a Ziploc or paper clip to save your creation.
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