By: Susan Goodman
Our daughter is now a junior at Gann Academy and we continue to feel that we have given her a precious gift by sending her to Jewish day school for her high school years.
In the past two years she has grown as a person, as a student, as a leader and as a Jew and nothing could make us prouder. She has stretched herself academically in a way she never did during her time in public schools because she excels in an environment where she is inspired to ask difficult questions, take well-considered risks and challenge her own thinking. She has taken advantage of the tremendous support offered by both the faculty and the Learning Center and, in doing so, has become a strong advocate for herself.
She has developed lasting friendships in Gann’s warm and supportive environment and has participated in a wide range of extracurricular activities and community service opportunities. She cherishes the opportunity to live out her pluralistic journey with students who come from a wide range of Jewish backgrounds. Her interactions with students, combined with her Jewish studies, have strengthened her Jewish identity and pride. She loves being part of a school community where everyone is Jewish and where her classmates openly discuss traditions, beliefs and values.
As a family, the Gann faculty, administration and parents have warmly welcomed us. We knew very few people coming in and now feel we are part of a very special close-knit community. Although a few years ago we would never have imagined sending our daughter to a Jewish day school, now we can’t imagine sending her anywhere else.
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