This morning I made 15 trips to the basement to bring up the Passover dishes. Do I have to go to the gym today?
Who came up with that kitniyot business anyway? Does anyone actually eat spelt?
Since Passover starts on Shabbat this year, is it fair that I get even less menucha than on a normal Friday night?
Does owning six sets of dishes make me a hoarder?
Every year magazines and newspapers print Passover recipes before the holiday. Why are 90% of them for desserts?
Would Nachshon be considered a thought leader today?
Why can’t Jews everywhere go on Israel Standard Time, making the second Seder voluntary? Really, why?
Will enough snow have melted by Friday so our guests can come in the front door?
Doesn’t it seem that some people who complain about all the cleaning they’ve done are actually bragging?
What’s the difference between Passover rolls and golf balls?
If you marry a Sephardi, can you eat by Sephardi rules? If you get divorced, do you lose those privileges?
Can I end the second Seder by saying, “Next year at someone else’s house”?
Why haven’t any stores come up with a “Buy 5 dozen eggs, get 2 free” promotion?
Should those who hide the afikomen get something for their trouble?
Is gluten now considered a plague?
Why am I writing this instead of cooking?
Is this what you call stalling?
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