Boston is abuzz with local honey these days. What was once a specialty hobby is now becoming mainstream with urban beehives popping up throughout the city. In addition to being a trendy anti-oxidant, local honey has been found to help cure certain allergies and have many other health benefits like blood sugar regulation and healing wounds. Good for the body, good for the environment- talk about a world of difference from the stereotypical fear of bee stings or a sticky sweet mess!
Exploring all of this and more, the New Center NOW DIY Arts Circle and Ganei Beantown: Boston Jewish Gardens have teamed up with Follow The Honey (Harvard Sq) and the Benevolent Beekeeper, Stephanie Elson, for an evening of all things bee. From a discussion of the secrets of bee keeping, to the health benefits, mead (honey wine) tasting, honey inspired snacks, and lots of crafting, this pre-Rosh Hashanah event will get you in the mood for a sweet new year.
Curious to know how this is possible? Stephanie can shed some light there too!
Get your tickets for a very sweet evening HERE.
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