…the woman who came hurriedly into the room as her Me’ah class was starting? Clearly distraught, she explained that she had just been in a fender bender. “I told the policeman to fill out the police report and wait for me there,” she said. “I promised that I would come back when my Me’ah class ends.”
…the man who got up from the Me’ah table and went to the door. As he stood there for a number of minutes, seemingly transfixed, his hand grasping the doorknob, the teacher inquired, “Is everything all right?” “Yes,” he replied, “I have to go to the bathroom, but I’m afraid that I’m going to miss something.”
…the man who sought a partner on J-date, whose criteria included “enrollment in or completion of Me’ah.”
– Behind the scenes, submitted by Me’ah instructor Dr. Lynne Heller
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