“The Upside Down Book” investigates the origins of a Mein Kampf that has been in the Mandell household since 1945, when Hinda Mandell’s great uncle brought it home from war.
This documentary, based on a Boston Globe article Hinda wrote in 2010, takes the position that it’s possible to build bridges between families that would have been deemed enemies 70 years ago. Thanks to the work of amazing genealogists, Hinda is now in touch with the children of the original German owners of the Mein Kampf. “The Upside Down Book” chronicles this journey, which hasn’t always been easy but it’s always been eye-opening.
The filmmakers are seeking to raise $5,000 by Dec. 14 to cover remaining editing costs of the film. You can view the film’s trailer and donate here.
Hinda has written about this experience for the Boston Globe, Forward and the LA Times. For any questions, feel free to contact Hinda directly at hindamandell@gmail.com. Thank you for your support!
Photo credit: Matthew White.
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