As part of our commitment to protect democracy, JCRC was proud to advocate for the passage of a bill approved by the Massachusetts legislature on July 7. This important legislation gives all eligible voters the opportunity to vote early in the primary and general election, allows residents to vote by mail and expands absentee ballot access.
Voting During COVID-19: Three Options
1. Vote by mail
- By mid-July, you should receive a Vote By Mail Application, sent to the address where you are registered to vote. If you moved since you last registered, update your registration and you will be sent acknowledgement of registration and a ballot application.
- If you don’t get an application in the mail, download one here.
- Mail the application back by Aug. 26 at the latest.
- Vote when your ballot arrives in the mail and return your ballot by Sept. 1 by mail, a dropbox or at a polling location. Your ballot must be received by Sept. 1, so if you mail it, mail it several days before Election Day.
2. Vote early in-person from Aug. 22-28
3. Vote in-person on Election Day on Sept. 1
Important Dates for the 2020 State Primary on 9/1/20
- Aug. 7: Early voting location(s) determined.
- Aug. 22: Early voting begins. Deadline for voter registration for the primary.
- Aug. 26: Final day that voters may request via mail an application to vote by mail for the Sept. 1 primary.
- Aug. 28: Final day of early voting for the Sept. 1 primary.
- Sept. 1: Primary Day. Local election officials must receive your ballot by this day.
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