We are excited to welcome hundreds of young adults (22-40) to our annual Open House Party on September 10th. In addition to meeting new people and reconnecting with old friends, you’ll have the chance to get to know over 55 different organizations with awesome opportunities for you to get involved in the Jewish community. Want to know who will be there and what you can talk to them about? As we count down to the big event, we’ll be giving you a sneak peek into just some of the many organizations that you’ll meet with these quick organization spotlights.

Next up is an organization that is no stranger to the Boston community and does amazing work with granchildren of Holocaust survivors. We sat down with Nayy Yagudin who sits on the board for Boston 3G to find out more about her experience and what’s on tap for the year!created at: 2012-09-05






created at: 2012-09-05

Who are you and how did you get involved in the organization?

 I‘m a board member and got involved last year after I went to several events and was interested in the organization and in the subject matter.

What do you love most about working with young adults?

What is most important to me is to work with today’s generation to continue the legacy of the past and keep it alive – learn from it and incorporate it into our lives in meaningful ways, and remember our families.

What’s new and exciting this year?

This year, our board will be expanding its reach to various communities around Boston – including arts communities and having a pot-luck dinner to discuss a German-Jewish dialogue.

What do you love most about Boston’s Jewish community?

It is a vibrant and diverse community, with something offered for everyone.

What are you looking forward to most about attending Open House Party? 

Meeting and greeting new and old people, and reaching out to folks who may be interested in our organization.

Anything else we should know or a fun fact about the organization?

Boston 3G has just turned 3 this year!

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