The Jewish Community of the North Shore is offering its fifth international travel trip to Bulgaria, North Macedonia and Greece this fall, which is open to the entire community. The trip, which is being coordinated by Sephardic Balkans and Dr. Joseph Benatov of the University of Pennsylvania, with dedicated expert local guides with specialized knowledge on local Jewish history in each city, will feature Jewish and secular highlights of Bulgaria, North Macedonia and Greece, with an optional post-trip tour to the island of Santorini. The itinerary strikes a balance between Jewish content and sites of general historical, archeological and cultural interest.

The area we will be visiting has a complicated history during World War II. In fact, all 50,000 Bulgarian Jews survived the Holocaust, and Dr. Benatov will be discussing this history in lectures prior to the trip in September.

Dates for the trip are Sept. 10-20, 2024. Space is limited! For additional information and to view the complete itinerary, visit or contact Sara Ewing, JCCNS director of adult programs, at or 857-285-7913, or Diane Knopf, group leader, at

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