Jewish National Fund (JNF) National Campaign Director Sharon Freedman (R) presented Heni Koenigsberg (L) of Newton, MA with a commemorative Blue Box holder, in recognition of her and Marc Plonskier becoming members of the Century Council.
The generous lifetime contributions of Century Council donors along with their commitment and passion, contribute to JNF’s vital work for the land and people of Israel.
JNF embodies both heart and action; our work is varied in scope but singular in benefit. We strive to bring an enhanced quality of life to all of Israel’s residents, and translate these advancements to the world beyond. JNF is greening the desert with millions of trees, building thousands of parks, creating new communities and cities for generations of Israelis to call home, bolstering Israel’s water supply, helping develop innovative arid-agriculture techniques, and educating both young and old about the founding and importance of Israel and Zionism.
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