With Israel’s April 9 election fast approaching, the political map is rapidly changing with new parties being formed, once-strong parties splintering and new candidates emerging.

We have compiled a collection of resources to help readers better understand the parties, political figures and major issues animating this election. Whether you want to follow the news or go deep on the issues, we’ve got you covered.

The Israel Policy Forum works to shape the discourse and mobilize support among American Jewish leaders and U.S. policymakers for the realization of a viable two-state solution through the development of pragmatic policy ideas developed by credible security experts. Israel Policy Forum created an elections website with information about each party, polling data and podcasts on topical issues. Policy director Michael Koplow also publishes The Koplow Column covering the latest issues each week.

We recently hosted thought leader, political analyst and journalist Shmuel Rosner in Boston. Rosner writes a weekly column for the Jewish Journal called “Rosner’s Domain,” where he authors articles under the title “Israel’s Election Handbook.”

JStreet has created an “election hub” with information on the parties, candidates and platforms, along with answers to frequently asked questions.

JTA (Jewish Telegraphic Agency) created “A Beginner’s Guide to the 2019 Israeli Elections” with election analysis on the timing of the election, demographics, the rise and fall of the Labor party and much more.

The Israel Democracy Institute (IDI) is an independent center of research and action dedicated to strengthening the foundations of Israeli democracy. A non-partisan think-and-do tank, the institute harnesses applied research to influence policy, legislation and public opinion. IDI has published a comprehensive elections resource page that includes a countdown to Election Day and several articles by their researchers.

The Shalom Hartman Institute is a leading center for Jewish thought and education. Its mission is to strengthen Jewish peoplehood, identity and pluralism. They have teamed up with The Times of Israel to produce a live webinar on election night with commentary, analysis and real-time results. The webinar will be in English with expert commentary from Institute founder Donniel Hartman, The Times of Israel senior analyst Haviv Rettig Gur and prominent journalist Yardena Schwartz. The website also hosts articles about the election from Hartman Institute scholars and other journalists.

If you’re looking for a quick overview of where parties stand on the issues, Makom created a fact sheet detailing where parties stand on six major issues.

Each Israeli English-language publication has a section of their website dedicated to the election. The three major publications are Haaretz, The Jerusalem Post and The Times of Israel.

Finally, get the latest election news, along with other Israel headlines, delivered to your inbox every morning by signing up for CJP’s Daily News Roundup.

Want to see additional resources added to this page? Email us at israel@cjp.org.