Daft Punk is the gift that keeps on giving. They came of age in the late 1990s heyday of house/electronic music with “Around the World,” roared back onto the scene in 2001 with “One More Time,” and have been banging out hippy-trippy, repetitive dance tracks, ever since.
And they’re back, big-time, this spring, with the release of a new album and their new single, “Get Lucky.” When you first hear it, it’s unmistakably Daft Punk. Funky beat, electronic music, repetitive lyrics, foot-tapping tempo. If you haven’t heard it yet, just wait a few minutes on Kiss 108 or Amp 103.3. Or just watch it right now.
It’s too bad I didn’t hear it last week, when Shavuot was bearing down and I was declining Facebook event requests left and right to attend Tikun Leil Shavuots. The somewhat long-standing tradition of staying up all night to prepare for the receiving of the Torah is well-known, and “Get Lucky” spends about five minutes telling us how Pharrell Williams, Nile Rodgers, and Daft Punk, are staying up all night to, um, well…get lucky. (Click here for the lyrics.)
That’s cool. Not everyone pulls all-nighters for Torah. In fact, most people pull them for other reasons- final exams, trans-oceanic flights, and epic nights at college come to mind.
But in every text, there’s room for interpretation and poetic license; any great Rabbinic commentator or midrash writer knows this. So as I analyze the complexities of our newest Top 40 import, I’m sure that you’d all agree that while the words are about partying, the allegorical meaning is clearly about standing at Sinai, preparing for the gift of Torah.
Hey, if the Song of Songs can be about God and the Jewish people, and not two lovers, then for my money this is equally legit.
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