Author Nathan Englander’s latest novel, “,” hits bookstores and online retailers this week. Englander, who has written about challenging Jewish questions in his books “Dinner at the Center of the Earth,” “What We Talk About When We Talk About Anne Frank” and “New American Haggadah,” introduces us in his latest book to a secular character who has decided to use an online service,, to relieve him of the 11-month obligation of daily kaddish recitations for the spirit of his recently deceased father.
This fast-paced novel is part thriller, part morality tale and part exploration of Jewish faith and tradition. From Brooklyn to Jerusalem to a table in the afterlife, “” is a memorable journey that raises key questions of Jewish faith: What obligations do Jewish mourners owe the dead—and the living? In an age of almost limitless innovation, how does technology interact with ancient tradition?
In this special episode, Englander reads the first chapter of his book and discusses his work with hosts Miriam and Dan.
Edited by Jesse Ulrich, with music by Ryan J. Sullivan.