You might be surprised to learn that your Passover wine doesn’t have to include the same sugar content as a Jolly Rancher. In fact, there is no halachic prohibition on consuming drinkable—even excellent—wine on the holiday.

Sandy Block, one of the foremost wine experts on the East Coast, has been vice president of beverage operations for Legal Sea Foods for the past 15 years. A certified master of wine (and one of only 279 people worldwide to earn this title!), Sandy knows a thing or two about the subject—especially Israeli vino. In 2016, he visited some of the country’s top wine producers and has suggestions for must-try alternatives to that cough syrup-style red that’s been sitting on your shelf since last April.

Sandy Block (Courtesy photo)
Sandy Block (Courtesy photo)

Listen as Miriam, Dan and Sandy discuss the best pairings for your Passover seder. And for more suggestions, read Sandy’s list of the best Israeli wines, both kosher and non.

Edited by Jesse Ulrich, with music by Ryan J. Sullivan.