Hi everybody and welcome to our very own ConnecTech blog! If you’re in ConnecTech, feel free to post on this blog too if you like! This is actually my first blog entry ever, so don’t throw any tomatoes at me yet š (in the U.S. we say “don’t throw tomatoes at me” if we don’t want people to say you did a bad job. Is there a similar expression in Hebrew?)
Just to keep all of our soon-to-be Technion friends in the loop: In the past few months the MIT ConnecTechers have been having a few discussions with different guest speakers about Judaism and Science. (My favorite discussion was one about neuroscience and the Torah and why this means we should treat people and animals kindly). We also had an official ConnecTech community service activity as well as a few unofficial ones. We're looking forward to doing more community service activities like these in Israel together with the Israeli ConnecTechers!
The Technion-MIT ConnecTech program is generously funded and supported by the CJP Boston-Haifa Connection.
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